Based on the real-life courtship between Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon, The Big Sick tells the story of Pakistan-born aspiring comedian Kumail (Nanjiani), who connects with grad student Emily (Zoe Kazan) after one of his stand up sets. However, what they thought would be just a one-night stand blossoms into the real thing, which complicates the life that is expected of Kumail by his traditional Muslim parents. When Emily is beset with a mystery illness, it forces Kumail to navigate the medical crisis with her parents, Beth and Terry (Holly Hunter and Ray Romano) who he’s never met, while dealing with the emotional tug-of-war between his family and his heart.

To be in with a chance of winning tickets to a screening of The Big Sick at Vue Manchester Printworks (which includes a Q&A with Kumail Nanjiani & co-writer Emily V. Gordon) on 6th July, 2017, sign up to the Northern Soul newsletter (details of how to do this are on the right-hand side of the page) and send an email to with the title ‘The Big Sick’. Be quick! This competition is only open for a few days. You’ve got to be in it to win it.

Closing date: 5 July, 2017

Winners will be picked at random and notified by: 5 July, 2017


The Big SickThe film is released in cinemas on July 28th by STUDIO CANAL.