Calling all art lovers…

Coming soon to Scarborough Art Gallery is The Printmakers Council 1992-2019, the second selection from a national collection of new prints. Following on from the successful first part of this exhibition, PmC Mini Prints, which was held at the gallery last summer, the collection features work by leading printmakers including prize-winners from the Printmakers Council’s (PmC) biannual competition. No restrictions were placed on subject matter, method or date, other than that the artist had to have been a member of the PmC when the print was produced.

Main image: Dancing Cranes by Mary Yazhari. 

The Printmakers Council 1992-2019 is at Scarborough Art Gallery from February 8 until April 26, 2020. The gallery is open Tuesdays to Sundays (plus Bank Holiday Mondays) from 10am to 5pm. Entry is free with an Annual Pass, which costs £3 and gives the bearer unlimited access to both Scarborough Art Gallery and the Rotunda Museum for a year.

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