Leeds artist Helen Gibson – professionally known as The Perky Painter – shares her strange world of entwined forms expressed in bold colours and textures in her first solo exhibition at The Arch Café this month.

Part of the Love Arts Festival, the exhibition aims to raise the profile of mental health issues in Leeds and inspire the use of creative outlets. The exhibition’s title, It’s OK not to be Perky, “reminds us it’s ‘OK not to be OK’ and that we can share these feelings”.

The paintings explore Gibson’s own feelings of connection and disconnection to life around her through intersecting, overlapping forms, merging together, being both isolated and joined by strong lines.


See It’s OK not to be Perky throughout October at The Arch Café, 15 Mark Lane, LS2 8JA (next to the St John’s centre) Open 8:30-3pm midweek (10am-4pm Saturdays)

All artwork is for sale with 25% of all sales donated to Age UK Leeds.

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