Separated by two centuries yet connected by events pulsing from the same vein of civil disobedience, a food riot in 18th century Manchester and the student uprisings in Paris in 1968 are drawn together in new work by Magnus Quaife for an exhibition, While England Mourns, at Touchstones, Rochdale.

During the 50th anniversary of the protests in the French capital and during a time of sustained global insecurity and political drama, Quaife takes a long-range view of the iconic imagery of Atelier Populare, setting their incisive sloganeering alongside the satire of Tim Bobbin, a self-taught, Lancastrian satirist and painter who set politics alight 200 years ago.

(Main image: Installation shot of Magnus Quaife While England Mourns. Courtesy of Touchstones Rochdale) 



Magnus Quaife: While England Mourns is on display at Contemporary ForwardTouchstones in Rochdale from May 4– June 30, 2018.