Ah, if only everything I wrote began with Alan Bennett. Alan, I wish you were my dad. Well, maybe not my dad. A kindly uncle perhaps, with a penchant for farce and swearing. Sadly, I am no relation to Sir Alan of Bennett but I can at least pop along to The Albert Square Chop House and gaze upon the bard of Yorkshire to my heart’s content.But not for much longer. Made in the North, a collection of 100 photographic portraits of (in)famous Northerners by fine art photographer Paul Wolfgang Webster, closes on March 31. Until then, you can dribble over the likes of Alan and his Northern counterparts. As you might expect, there are a number of Coronation Street stars (including an arresting photo of Antony Cotton), a selection of Manchester music alumni (hello to you Shaun Ryder) and a wonderfully eclectic range of other Northern goodies.

Paul himself is a former Rochdale College student who has four portraits in the superlative National Portrait Gallery in London. Of all the faces staring down from the walls of The Albert Square Chop House, my favourite (other than Uncle Alan) is Malcolm Macdonald because a) Supermac is a Newcastle United legend and b) I can see the wondrous Tyne Bridge in the background.

Malcolm Macdonald, copyright Paul Wolfgang Webster

Malcolm Macdonald, copyright Paul Wolfgang Webster

So, get yourself along to the Chop House in Albert Square. And while you’re there, check out the nosh. It’s some of the best I’ve tasted in Manchester.

Review by Helen Nugent

What: Made in the North

Where: The Albert Square Chop House, Manchester city centre

More info: http://albertsquarechophouse.com/

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