How to make a pasta ‘fakeaway’: Vegetable Ribbon 3 Cheese ‘Pasta’. This healthy dish is perfect for a quick lunch and actually uses no pasta making it gluten free.

It actually uses courgette instead and because I’m on the Slimming World plan, I have worked out what the Syn value is per serving. To make the courgette ribbons you will need a spiralizer. I used my Pampered Chef Spiral & Slice which is fantastic!

Here are the ingredients: Serves 2

  • 30g Parmesan
  • A handful of fresh basil (I used approx 12g)
  • 100g Light Soft Cheese (70% less fat)
  • 100g Turkey Bacon
  • Canola Oil spray (I get this from Costco)
  • 1 medium courgette
  • 1 tin cannellini beans, drained
  • 25g Feta Cheese, crumbled


  • Finely grate the parmesan and place it into a food processor with the basil.
  • Take the light soft cheese and melt it in the microwave for 20 seconds on HIGH to soften.
  • Add it to the food processor and chop and blend the cheeses and basil until well combined.
  • Then, chop turkey bacon into 2cm strips.
  • Spray your pan with canola oil and put on the hob -medium heat.
  • Add the bacon to the pan for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally until lightly browned.
  • Spiral sliced courgetteMeanwhile, cut the ends off the courgette and cut the courgette in half.
  • Take one half, insert into the spiralizer and twist in a clockwise motion until the courgette is spiralled – See the photo for how it comes out!
  • Do the same to the other half of the courgette.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, add the beans and the cream cheese mixture and stir until the bacon is well combined.
  • Add the courgette to the pan, stir then put the mixture into a microwave safe bowl.
  • Microwave on HIGH for 5 minutes.
  • Then add the Feta to the bowl, stir well until a sauce begins to form.
  • Serve immediately.

The whole amount is 13.5 Syns on Slimming World’s Extra Easy plan. Therefore per serving, it is 7 Syn per portion (I rounded the 6.75 Syn up to 7). However you could use some of the cheese as your A Choice thereby reducing the Syn value. 30g of Parmesan counts as one A Choice and you can have 75g of reduced fat soft cheese as an A choice too so you’d have to work out what that meant for your half of the dish with regards to Syns to count. To keep it simple I have counted the whole dish as Syns.

By Nadine Hill


This article first appeared on JuggleMum, you can see it here.