Some good and bad news this month….

The good news is that it’s time for the Northern Soul Podcast. Lucy McNamara chats to author Paul Du Noyer who, for more than 30 years, was also a music journalist. His interviewees have ranged from Madonna to Pavarotti, David Bowie to Mick Jagger and nearly everyone with a connection to The Beatles, not least Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. Born in Liverpool, Paul has written the definitive musical histories of both Liverpool and London.

Paul Du Noyer - The WordLucy’s playlist includes The Crookes, Michael Kiwanuka, Hey Sholay, The Payroll Union, LAMB, Jonathan Boulet

The bad news is that this is Lucy’s last Podcast. After two a half years, Lucy is moving onwards and upwards. We’ll miss her at Northern Soul but, fear not, the podcast will continue. More news on this in the next couple of weeks.

To listen to Lucy’s first ever Northern Soul Podcast, click here.


You can get in touch with Lucy via Twitter @Lucy_McNamara or via Northern Soul @Northern_Soul_

To listen to Series One and Two of the Northern Soul Podcast, click here

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